// src/fasta_multiple_cmp/build_sequences_matrix.rs : // This module was inspired by Vincent Esche's Seal crate, // but simplified and much more basic, without mmap and so on. // For pedagogic use. use simple_matrix::Matrix; use std::str; use std::char; pub fn build_matrix(sequence1: &(String, Vec), sequence2: &(String, Vec), match_bonus: f32, gap_penalty: f32) { let l_seq1: usize = (sequence1.1).len(); let l_seq2: usize = (sequence2.1).len(); println!("Longueur première séquence : {} ", l_seq1); println!("Longueur seconde séquence : {} ", l_seq2); let mut the_mat: Matrix:: = Matrix::new(l_seq2+1, l_seq1+1); init_matrix(&mut the_mat, l_seq2+1, l_seq1+1, 0.0); nw_matrix(&mut the_mat, l_seq2+1, l_seq1+1, match_bonus, gap_penalty, &sequence1.1, &sequence2.1); print_ident(&sequence1); print_ident(&sequence2); // print_matrix(&the_mat, &sequence2.1, l_seq2+1, l_seq1+1); print_score(&the_mat, l_seq2+1, l_seq1+1); } fn nw_matrix(the_mat: &mut Matrix::, lin: usize, col: usize, match_bonus: f32, gap_penalty: f32, seq1: &Vec, seq2: &Vec) { for j in 1..col { the_mat.set(0, j, gap_penalty * j as f32) ; } let mut score: f32 = 0.0; for i in 1..lin { the_mat.set(i, 0, gap_penalty * i as f32) ; for j in 1..col { if seq1[j-1] == seq2[i-1] { score = match_bonus} else { score = 0.0} the_mat.set(i, j, max3(the_mat.get(i-1,j-1).unwrap() + score, the_mat.get(i-1,j).unwrap() + gap_penalty, the_mat.get(i,j-1).unwrap() + gap_penalty)); } } } fn max3(v1: f32, v2: f32, v3: f32) -> f32 { let tmp = f32::max(v2, v3); if v1 > tmp { return v1 } else { return tmp }; } fn init_matrix(the_mat: &mut Matrix::, lin: usize, col: usize, val: f32) { for i in 0..lin { for j in 0..col { the_mat.set(i, j, val) ; } } } // "print_seq" affiche une séquence selon différents formats. pub fn print_seq(sequence: &(String, Vec)) { println!("Ident : {:?}", sequence.0); // println!("Séquence : {:?}", sequence.1); let sequence_str = str::from_utf8(&sequence.1).unwrap().to_string(); println!("Séquence : {}", &sequence_str); } fn print_vector(the_vec: &Vec) { let vec_str = str::from_utf8(the_vec).unwrap().to_string(); print!("{} ", " "); for c in vec_str.chars() { print!("{} ", c); } print!("{}", " \n"); } fn print_matrix(the_mat: &Matrix::, seq2: &Vec, lin: usize, col: usize) { for i in 0..lin { if i > 0 {print!("{} ", char::from(seq2[i-1]))} else {print!("{} ", " ")}; for j in 0..col { print!("{} ", the_mat.get(i, j).unwrap()); } print!("{}", "\n") } } fn print_score(the_mat: &Matrix::, lin: usize, col: usize) { println!("Score de similarité : {} ", the_mat.get(lin-1, col-1).unwrap()); print!("{}", "\n") } fn print_ident(sequence: &(String, Vec)) { println!("Ident : {:?}", sequence.0); }