Une nouvelle distribution de Bigloo pour Windows vient de sortir, j’en emprunte l’annonce à l’auteur du portage, Yannis BRES :
Dear Bigloo Windows users,
I’m glad to announce that Bigloo 2.7a (Build 1) for Windows is finally
available at http://www.yannis.bres.name/Bigloo.
This alternative distribution of Bigloo is ready to be used and packaged in a standard Windows Installer. In particular, applications generated for the C backend do not depend on the Cygwin C runtime as does the regular Bigloo distribution.
Best regards and happy parens,
Changes from 2.6e build 2 :
Code synchronization with Bigloo 2.7a final
(os-tmp) (and other functions) now correctly expands environment variables
read from the Registry.
Posix thread abstraction layer is now provided by pthreads-win32.
Installer : The Bee is now installable and can be automatically registered into your .emacs file.
Uninstaller : .NET runtime DLLs are now removed from the GAC